What is the purpose of the Prosyjob company directory?

By definition, a business directory is "a list, a directory updated every year that includes information (name, address, contact information, etc.) on the members of an association, a company, an educational institution, a professional organization, a specific field or on the subscribers to a service".

The business directory is one of the options offered by Prosyjob to its subscribers or to the owners of corporate accounts.

What are the benefits of the directory?

The Prosyjob directory is an effective tool for making your company known. When you create your company file, you indicate useful information that users need to know about your products and services.

When publishing your job offers in the platform, a link to your company file in the directory brings more credit to your offer and in parallel to your company.

The directory also contributes to the listing of your company in search engines (Google, Bing, etc.) and gives you the opportunity to access the data of various companies and even to enter into partnership relations with other companies listed in the directory.


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How do I join the directory?

To join the Prosyjob directory, you must subscribe to one of the following packages:

- the recruiter package,

- the trainer package,

- the corporate package.

When you subscribe to one of these paying packages, you automatically have access to the directory.

Period of validity

As soon as you subscribe to the offer, you are registered in the directory for a period of one year, renewable at will.

For more information

Vanessa Ntoh