1. Purpose

The General Manager of Crédit Foncier du Cameroun is launching this invitation to tender for the implementation of contractual maintenance on all IT equipment installed at the head office and branches of Crédit Foncier du Cameroun.

  1. Consistency of services

The services covered by this National Open Call for Tenders are detailed in the Terms of Reference (ToR).

  1. Estimated cost

The provisional budget is seventy-seven million nine hundred and forty-three thousand one hundred and sixty (77,943,160) FCFA inclusive of tax.

  1. Allotment

These services are grouped into a single lot.

  1. Participation and origin

Participation in this National Open Call for Tenders is open to companies that can prove that they are active in the fields of marketing, installation and maintenance of computer network equipment and its accessories and that have their registered offices in Cameroon.

  1. Financing

The services covered by this invitation to tender shall be financed from the CFC's operating budget for the financial years 2024, 2025 and 2026.

  1. Consultation of the Tender Dossier

The Tender Documents may be consulted during working hours after publication of this notice at the CFC's General Affairs Department at the Sub-Directorate of Heritage and Archives, Heritage Department, located on the 2nd floor of the CFC's headquarters building, Porte 202, BP 1531 Yaoundé, Telephone: 222 23 52 15 - Fax: 222 23 52 21.



  1. Acquisition of the Tender Dossier

As soon as this notice is published, the National Open Tendering File may be withdrawn from the CFC General Affairs Department, Sub-Directorate of Heritage and Archives, Heritage Department located on the 2nd floor, door 202 of the Crédit Foncier du Cameroun headquarters building Tel. 222 23 02 37 / 222 23 52 17, Fax: 222 23 52 21, against presentation of a receipt for payment of a non-refundable sum of seventy-five thousand (75,000) CFA francs into the account entitled "Compte Spécial CAS-ARMP" opened at the BICEC bank.

  1. Submission of bids

Each tender, drawn up in French or English and in seven (07) copies of which one (01) original and six (06) copies must be marked as such, must reach the General Affairs Department, Heritage and Archives Sub-Directorate, located on the 2nd floor, door 202 of the Crédit Foncier du Cameroun headquarters building Tel: 222 23 02 37 / 222 23 52 17, Fax: 222 23 52 21, no later than 22 July 2024 at 11 a.m. local time. Tenders must be deposited against a receipt and must bear the words:


To be opened only at the opening session".

  1. Delivery date

The maximum execution period stipulated by the project owner is twenty-four (24) months divided into two tranches:

- Firm tranche: twelve (12) months ;

- Conditional tranche: twelve (12) months.

  1. Temporary bond

Each tenderer must attach to its tender a bid bond, issued by a financial institution approved by the Ministry of Finance, in the amount of one million four hundred and fifty-five thousand (1,455,000), valid for one hundred and twenty (120) days from the deadline for submission of tenders.

  1. Admissibility of tenders

On pain of rejection, the administrative documents required, including the tender security, must be produced in originals or in copies certified by the competent authority of the administrations concerned. They must be dated within three (03) months of the original tender submission date.

  1. Opening of bids

Tenders will be opened in two (02) stages.

The administrative and technical bids shall be opened on 22 July 2024 at 12 noon sharp by the Internal Contract Award Commission of Crédit Foncier du Cameroun sitting in the meeting room on the 5th floor, door 502 of the CFC headquarters building.

Only tenderers or their duly authorised representatives with full knowledge of the tender may attend these opening sessions.

The financial offers of tenderers who have satisfied all the administrative and technical eliminatory criteria will be opened at a later date.

  1. Evaluation criteria

Tenders will be evaluated according to the following eliminatory and essential criteria

  1. a. Eliminatory criteria
  • 1
  • Falsified documents or false declarations
  • 2
  • Absence or non-conformity of an administrative document within 48 hours of the opening of the tenders
  • 3
  • Absence of partnership (Representation, Approval, Other technical partnership) with the manufacturers of the equipment to be maintained, in particular IBM, FORTIGATE and CISCO
  • 4
  • Absence of the bid bond
  • 5
  • Absence of a quantified unit price
  • 6
  • Presence of financial elements in the administrative and/or technical envelope
  • 7
  • Technical score lower than 70% on the evaluation of the essential crite


  1. b. Essential criteria



  • 1
  • General presentation of the tender (summary, binding, legibility)
  • 2
  • Relevance of the methodology note highlighting the organisation and methodology envisaged
  • 3
  • Relevance of the provisional annual preventive maintenance schedule
  • 4
  • Tenderer's references for similar services
  • 5
  • Qualifications and experience of key personnel (Curricula vitae of the maintenance team must be produced, dated and signed by the person concerned, together with certified copies of diplomas and certificates).
  • 6
  • Existence of appropriate and sufficient equipmentof financial elements in the administrative and/or technical envelope
  • 7
  • Guarantee of availability of spare parts stocks
  • 8
  • National representation


NB: Only tenders that have satisfied all the eliminatory criteria and have obtained a technical score of more than 70% on the evaluation of the essential criteria will be subject to a financial evaluation.

  1. Award

The contract will be awarded to the administratively and technically qualified tenderer who submits the best offer, based on a combination of technical and financial criteria. The best offer is the one with the highest overall score.

N = 70 x Technical score (Nt) + 30 x Financial score (Nf)


The financial score (Nf) is obtained as follows :

Where Fm is the amount of the lowest priced proposal, its financial score will be taken to be equal to 100 points. The scores of the other bidders calculated on the basis of the financial score of the lowest bidder will be obtained using the formula :

Nf = 100 x Fm


Fm = the amount of the lowest priced proposal

F = the amount of the proposal under consideration

The tenderer with the highest final score will be declared the successful tenderer.

The respective weights attributed to the technical and financial proposals are :

T = 0.7; F = 0.3

            Overall score = (Technical score × 0.7) + (Financial score × 0.3)


  1. Duration Validity of Tenders

Tenderers remain bound by their tenders for a period of ninety (90) days from the deadline for submission of tenders.

  1. Additional information

Additional information may be obtained during working hours from the Direction des Affaires Générales, 2nd floor, door 202 of the CFC headquarters building, located at Boulevard du 20 mai in Yaoundé, B.P. 1531, Tel: 222 23 02 31; Fax: 222 23 52 21, no later than ten (10) days before the deadline for receipt of tenders.

