National open tender N°002/AONO/IRAD
National Open Tender Notice
No. 002/AONO/IRAD/DG/DAAF/SDAG/SAG/CIPM/2020 of 19/03/2020
for the supply of computer equipment.
Source of funding : AUTONOMOUS BUDGET(BA)
1. Subject
Within the framework of the improvement of the working environment and working conditions, the Director General of the Institut de Recherche Agricole pour le Développement (IRAD), is launching a National Open Call for Tenders to the benefit of the Institut de Recherche Agricole pour le Développement (IRAD) for the supply of computer equipment.
2. Consistency of services
The services of this contract include: the supply, transport, handling, commissioning and acceptance of the computer equipment as follows:
Type de matériel | Quantité |
Ordinateur all in one complet | 70 |
Imprimante laser pro monochrome DN+cable (35ppm) | 70 |
Photocopieur multifonction | 20 |
Chargeur des documents automatique CRT-AT1 | 20 |
Scanner | 01 |
Onduleur 1500 VA minimum | 70 |
Onduleur 3000 VA minimum | 20 |
Onduleur 10000VA | 02 |
3. Estimated cost
The estimated cost of the operation following the preliminary studies is 93,000,000 (ninety-three million) CFA francs.
4. Delivery time
The maximum time allowed by the Employer for delivery of the hardware subject to this bidding process is 30 (thirty) days.
5. Allotment
The supplies are made up in a single batch
6. Participation and origin
Participation in this Call for Tenders is open to all companies specialized in the field and regularly established in Cameroon.
7. Financing
The services covered by this Call for Tenders are financed by the Public Investment Budget (BIP) for the financial year 2020.
8. Consultation of the file
The file can be consulted during working hours (8 a.m. to 3.30 p.m., Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays) at the Secretariat of the IRAD sise à Nkolbisson, BP 2123 Yaoundé, Tel : dès publication du présent avis.
9. Acquisition of the file
The Bidding Documents can be obtained from the Secretariat of the Administrative and Financial Affairs Directorate of IRAD located in Nkolbisson, BP 2123 Yaounde, Tel: 222.23.26. 44, upon publication of the present notice on presentation of the original receipt of the sum of 100.000 FCFA(one hundred thousand) non refundable, paid into the Special CAS-ARMP account N°335988 opened at BICEC (all agencies), as expenses for the purchase of the Tender Documents.
10. Submission of bids
Each tender drawn up in French or English, in seven (07) copies (one original and six (06) copies) marked as such, and consisting of an administrative part, a technical part and a financial part in a closed envelope (double envelope system), sealed and sealed, shall be deposited at the Secretariat of the Directorate of Administrative and Financial Affairs of the IRAD, no later than 22/04/2020 at 12 noon sharp, against receipt, and must be marked :
National Open Call for Tenders in Emergency Procedure n°002/ AONO/IRAD/DG/DAAF/SDAG/SAG/CIPM/2020 OF 19/03/2020 for the supply of computer equipment "To be opened only at the counting session."
11. Provisional Bond
Each bidder must attach to its administrative documents a bid bond drawn up by a first-rate bank approved by the Ministry of Finance or an insurance company and listed in Exhibit 12 of the DAO, the amount of which is fixed at FCFA 1,860,000 (one million eight hundred and sixty thousand) and which is valid for 120 days.
12. Admissibility of bids
Under penalty of rejection, the required documents from the administrative file must be produced in originals or in copies certified as true copies by the issuing service or competent administrative authority in accordance with the provisions of the Special Rules for Tenders. They must be less than three (03) months old or have been drawn up after the date of signature of the invitation to tender.
Any bid that is incomplete in accordance with the requirements of the Bidding Documents will be declared non-responsive. In particular, failure to provide a bid security issued by a first-class bank or insurance company approved by the Ministry of Finance or failure to follow the model forms in the bidding documents will result in the rejection of the bid without any recourse.
13. Bid Opening
The opening of the folds will be done in one step.
The opening of the administrative documents of the technical and financial tenders will take place on 22/04/2020 at 13.00 by the Internal Commission for the Award of Contracts placed with the Contracting Authority in the meeting room of the IRAD Directorate General located in Nkolbisson.
Only tenderers may attend this opening session or be represented by a duly authorised person of their choice.
14. Evaluation criteria
14.1 Qualifying Criteria
These include:
-Absence or nonconformity after 48 hours of one of the documents in the administrative file;
-The absence of the bid bond,
-False statements or falsified documents,
-the failure to meet 80% of the essential criteria ;
-the absence of a quantified unit price;
-non-compliance with the submission template,
-the absence of a prospectus accompanied by the manufacturer's technical data sheets,
-statement of honour not to walk away from a deal in the last three years;
-absence of the approval or authorisation of the manufacturer;
-non-compliance with the major technical specifications of the supply (to be listed),
Type de matériel | Caractéristiques | Valeurs exigées |
Ordinateur all in one | Processeur Intel core | Windows 10 famille 64 bit, Minimum i5-2,60 Ghz turbo 1MO de mémoire en cache |
RAM | Minimum 4 GO | |
Disque dur | SATA 1To, 7200 tr/min | |
Ecran | FHD VA antireflet à éclairage WLED de 49,53 cm | |
Antivirus intégré | ||
photocopieurs multifonction avec chargeur | Fonctions | Impression, copie, numérisation couleur (réseau et USB standard) |
Impression | Recto/verso | |
Interface | USB, LAN | |
Vitesse | 22 ppm (A4), 11 ppm (A3) | |
Scanner | Scanner | Avec chargeur, haute qualité et polyvalent |
Vitesse | 75ppm, chargeur automatique | |
Mode document | Long (illimité), jusqu à 9 tâches programmables | |
Onduleur | Puissance | 10 KVA |
Tension d’entrée nominale | 230 V | |
Tension nominale de sortie | 230 V +/- 1% |
14.2. Essential criteria
The criteria for the qualification of candidates will be as follows:
1. The presentation of the tender Yes q No q
2. Turnover 15,000,000 Yes q No q
3. Financial capacity Yes q No q
4. Supplier's references Yes q No q
5. Compliance with 80% of the Technical Specifications Yes q No q
6. Availability of spare parts Yes q No q
7. After-sales service Yes q No q
8. Conditions of Contract Acceptance PSAB initialled on each page, signed and dated on the last page Yes q No q
15. Assignment
The contract will be awarded to the tenderer whose tender is judged to be technically qualified and lowest evaluated.
16. Period of validity of tenders
Tenderers shall remain bound by their tenders for 90 days from the closing date for submission of tenders.
17. Additional information
Further information can be obtained from the Secretariat of the Directorate of Administrative and Financial Affairs of IRAD sise à Nkolbisson, BP 2123 Yaoundé, Tel :
YAOUNDE on March 19, 2020