How to buy a domain name on our online shop ?

You have decided to be present online in order to make yourself known through your website?

Start by buying your domain name on our online shop.

You already have your domain name, don't worry, you can transfer it for web hosting on our infrastructure. 

Domain name : from 7000 FCFA/year, reserve or transfer your domain name with us.

How to reserve a domain name on our online shop : 

Have a look at our online shop:

How to book a domain name on our online shop ?

1. Enter your domain name,

2. Choose an extension from the following list: .cm, .com, .org, .co, .net and .info

3. Click on Check for availability: If the specified domain is not available, start entering a new domain name again. If the name can be reserved then

4. Choose your package: 1 year, 2 years, 3 years or 5 years

5. Click on add to cart or contact us directly at 699144150.

PROSYGMA SARL CAMEROON, the web and mobile solutions !