Cameroon : GUCE- MINFI agreement boosts electronic payment of tax duties 

The signing of the agreement between the Single Window of Foreign Trade Operations (GUCE) and the Ministry of Finance on April 7 will improve the collection of tax revenues in Cameroon.

This agreement, which binds the credit institutions, the GUCE and the Cameroonian State, determines the rights and obligations of the different parties in the electronic payment through the e-Guce platform and the banking operations related to the payment of taxes.

For several years, the State of Cameroon has integrated digital technology as an alternative to facilitate the payment of customs duties, taxes and fees. This means of electronic payment has proven itself. 

"To give you an idea of the level of payment operations carried out, with security and traceability requirements, for the sole account of the State, we have gradually gone from more than 123 billion in 2012 to about 800 billion in 2021 collected via the e-Guce platform," said Isidore Biyiha, Director General of GUCE.


Vanessa Ntoh