Awareness-raising seminar for judges in the Eastern Region on Cybercrime and cybersecurity
Under the High Patronage of the Ministry of Justice, Keepers of the Seals, the National Agency for Information and Communication Technologies (ANTIC) organized from 22 to 24 May 2019 at the Hotel Martino in Bertoua an awareness seminar for magistrates from the Eastern Region on Cybercrime and cybersecurity.
During the three days scheduled for the event, experts, magistrates and judicial police officers will examine the following topics:
- Cybercrime: Inaugural lesson;
- Sanctions in the field of cybercrime;
- digital public order;
- security monitoring and CIRT ANTIC;
- the challenge of identifying users;
- the practice of collecting digital evidence;
- the electronic signature;
- the legal value of the electronic signature;
- the role of ANTIC's sworn officers;
- the extent of Internet consumer protection in Cameroon.
Source: ANTIC