Chrome Tip: Keyboard shortcuts for web pages
After discovering on our website, all the keyboard shortcuts on Chrome for tabs and windows, it's time for you to master those useful for web pages.
The shortcuts related to open web pages :
- Ctrl + P : Print the open page
- Ctrl + S: Save the opened page
- Ctrl + R or F5 : Refresh the page
- Ctrl + Shift + R or Shift + F5 : refresh the page without taking into account the browser cache.
- Ctrl + O: open a file in the browser
- Ctrl + D: add the active page to favorites
- Ctrl + Shift + D : add all open tabs in a new favorites folder
- F11 : use full screen mode
- Ctrl + + / Ctrl + - or Ctrl + wheel up or down of the mouse: zoom in or out in the page
- Ctrl + 0 : reset the zoom level to 100 %.
- Space or Shift + Space: scroll down or up the content of a web page
Source : 01net