1. Subject

The Government of the Republic of Cameroon has obtained funding from KfW for the implementation of the FEICOM Decentralization Programme Medium Towns (PDFVM).

It is planned, within the framework of the operation and monitoring of the support activities to the beneficiary Communes, to set up a computer network in the PDFVM Communes.

2. Delivery time

The maximum time limit stipulated by the Delegated Owner for the delivery of the services that are the subject of the present Consultation is set at fifteen (15) days from the date of notification of the Service Order for the execution of the present Letter-Command.

3. Allocation

The service that is the subject of this Consultation, which consists of setting up a computer network in the PDFVM municipalities, is divided into the following different packages:

Lot 1: networking in the Communes of Foumbot, Bangangté, Dschang and Bafang;

Lot 2: networking in the Communes of Mora, Yagoua, Kousseri and Mokolo.

NB: an enterprise may be awarded more than one lot.

4. Acquisition of the file

The Delegated Contracting Authority invites the interested suppliers fulfilling the required conditions, to consult and withdraw during working hours the quotation file as soon as the present Notice is published on presentation of a receipt attesting the payment of the sum of ten thousand (10.000) CFA francs non-refundable in the Special Account CAS ARMP opened in the BICEC Agencies, at the address below : Direction des Projets et Programmes de Partenariat (Service de l'Assistance Administrative et des Marchés), sise au siège du FEICOM à Yaoundé (Mimboman), BP 718 Yaoundé, Téléphone 222 22 27 28 ; poste 257, porte 07 ; Fax 222 23 17 59.

5. Submission of bids

Tenders submitted in seven (07) copies (1 original and 6 copies) must remain valid for a period of (90) days from the closing date for submission. Bids must be submitted, failing which they will be rejected, to the following address: Direction des Projets et Programmes de Partenariat (Service de l'Assistance Administrative et des Marchés), located at the FEICOM headquarters in Yaounde (Mimboman), BP 718 Yaounde, Telephone: 222 22 27 28; extension 257, door 07; Fax 222 23 17 59, no later than 21/02/2020, at 13:00 sharp (local time), and marked :

 Consultation N° 001/C/FEICOM/PDFVM/CSPM/2020, for the setting up of a computer network in the PDFVM Municipalities.

 "FEICOM Decentralisation Programme for Medium-sized Cities (PDFVM)".

To be opened only during the bidding session".

6. Provisional Bond

(a) have performed similar services with an average annual financial amount (turnover) over the last three years corresponding to at least two (2) times the amount of the contract requested or present a certificate of financial capacity issued by a first class bank in the amount of eighteen (18,000,000) million CFA francs for Lot 1 and nineteen million five hundred (19,000,000) CFA francs for Lot 2.

(b) Provide a CV of the project leader (BAC+3 in computer engineering, computer network or equivalent, Cisco CCNP certification);

(d) Provide a CV of the Assistant Project Manager (BAC+2 in computer engineering, computer network or equivalent, Cisco CCNA certification);

(c) Produce copies of similar contracts and minutes for contracts received corresponding to the average annual financial amount over the last three years, corresponding to at least two (2) times the sum of the amount of the contract requested, including all taxes.

7. Bid opening

The counting of votes will take place on 21/02/2020 at 14:00 sharp in the meeting room of the Projects and Partnership Programme Directorate located at the headquarters of the General Directorate of FEICOM at Mimboman BP 718 Yaoundé, Telephone +237 222 22 27 28; extension 258; door 07; 4th floor; Fax 222 23 17 59. 

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