1. Subject
The Director General of the special fund for equipment and inter-communal intervention (FEICOM), the contracting authority, with the aim of optimising and improving the productivity and quality of the work of his institution, is launching a national open invitation to tender for the supply of computer equipment divided as follows: computers lot 1, network equipment lot 2 and printers and scanners lot 3 to FEICOM.
The technical characteristics of the said equipment are specified in the tender documents.
2. Scope of services
The present contract consists of the supply, transport, handling and commissioning of the computer equipment, namely: 15 type I laptops, 15 compact format laptops, 10 type II laptops, 40 all-in-one desktops (lot 1); 1 outdoor WIFI antenna, 1 IP PBX, 1 layer 3 switch, 03 firewall appliances (lot 2); 05 high-performance multifunction copiers (lot 3).
3. Estimated cost
The estimated cost of this service is one hundred million (100,000,000) CFA francs including tax, subdivided as follows
Lot I: 74 000 000 CFA francs;
Lot 2: 10 000 000 CFA francs;
Lot 3: 16 000 000 CFA francs.
4. Allotment
This contract is allocated into three lots as follows:
Lot 1: Computers;
Lot 2: network equipment;
Lot 3: Printers and scanners.
NB: A tenderer may be awarded more than one lot.
5. Participation and origin
Participation in this invitation to tender is open to national companies specialised in the field and able to justify a minimum and discontinuous experience of three (03) years in the supply of computer equipment.
6. Financing
The service covered by this invitation to tender is financed by the budget of the Fonds Spécial d'Equipement et d'Intervention Intercommunale (FEICOM), Fiscal Year 2022, on the budget line n° 22-23-00 "computer equipment".
7. Consultation of the File
The tender dossier may be consulted during working hours at the Procurement and Supply Department, located at the former FEICOM headquarters in Yaoundé (Mimboman), BP 718 Yaoundé, FEICOM, Rue 4.561 MIMBOMAN YDE 4th, Telephone 222 235 164/Fax 222 23 17 59, door 11, extension 217, as soon as this notice is published.
8. Acquisition of the Tender File
The Tender Dossier may be obtained during working hours from the Service des Marchés et Approvisionnements, located at the former FEICOM headquarters in Yaoundé (Mimboman), BP 718 Yaoundé, FEICOM, Rue 4. 561 MIMBOMAN YDE 4th, Telephone 222 235 164/ Fax 222 23 17 59, as soon as this notice is published on presentation of a receipt attesting to the payment of the sum of one hundred thousand (100,000) non-refundable CFA francs into the CAS - ARMP Special Account opened in the BICEC Agencies.
9. Submission of tenders
Each tender, written in French or English, in seven (07) copies, one (01) original and six (06) copies marked as such, must be received in a closed and sealed envelope at the Service des Marchés et Approvisionnements, located at the former headquarters of FEICOM in Mimboman, no later than 28 JULY 2022 at 2 p.m. precisely and must be marked as follows NATIONAL OPEN TENDER 12/AONO/FEICOM/CIPM/2022 of 24 JUNE 2022 FOR THE SUPPLY OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TO FEICOM
"To be opened only during the counting of votes
10. Delivery time
The maximum period allowed by the Employer for delivery of the equipment covered by this invitation to tender is 30 days from the date of notification of the order to commence performance of the Contract.
11. Temporary Security
Each bidder must attach to its administrative documents a bid bond for each lot as follows Lot 1: CFAF 1,480,000; Lot 2: CFAF 200,000; Lot 3: CFAF 320,000, issued by a first class bank or insurance company approved by the Ministry of Finance and listed in Exhibit 11 of the tender documents, paid in hand by the issuer and valid for thirty (30) days after the deadline for the validity of the bids.
12. Admissibility of Bids
The documents in the administrative file must be produced in originals or copies certified by the issuing department or competent administrative authority, in accordance with the provisions of the Special Rules for Invitations to Tender, otherwise they will be rejected. They must be less than three (03) months old or have been drawn up after the date of signature of the tender notice.
Any bid that does not comply with the requirements of this Notice and the bidding documents will be declared inadmissible. In addition, bids received after the closing date and time for submission will not be accepted.
13. Opening of bids
The opening of the bids, which will take place in one session, will take place on 28 JULY 2022 at 3 p.m. sharp by the Internal Procurement Commission of FEICOM in the meeting room of the said Commission at the former headquarters of FEICOM.
Only bidders may attend this opening session or be represented by a duly authorised person of their choice with full knowledge of the file.
14. Evaluation criteria
14.1 Eliminatory criteria :
Administrative file incomplete after 48 hours grace period;
Absence of a bid bond;
False statements or falsified documents;
Non-compliance with the technical specifications of the tender;
Absence of a prospectus accompanied by the manufacturer's technical data sheets;
Non-compliance with the tender model;
Absence of manufacturer's approval or authorisation;
Technical score below 80% of "YES".
Omission of a quantified unit price in the price list.
14.2. Essential criteria:
General presentation of the offer;
Financial capacity equal to or greater than the estimated amount for each lot;
References in similar supplies;
After-sales service (availability of spare parts and labour);
Guarantees on the proposed equipment;
Delivery time.
15. Award
The contract will be awarded to the bidder who is administratively and technically qualified and whose evaluated bid is the lowest.
16. Duration Validity of Tenders
Tenderers shall remain bound by their tender for a period of ninety (90) days from the closing date for submission of tenders.
17. Additional information
Additional information of a technical nature may be obtained during working hours from the FEICOM Contracts and Procurement Department:
Tel: (237) 222 235 164, Poste 217, porte 11.
Fax:(237) 222 23 17 5.
NB: "For any act of corruption, please call or send an SMS to CONAC at the following number: 1517